
Obama stuurt optimistische en strijdvaardige mail aan zijn aanhangers

door Gerard Driehuiszaterdag, 21 januari 2017 om 8:54
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Vannacht verstuurde Barack Obama deze mail aan de mensen die op zijn nieuwe emaillijst staan. Hij kondigt aan actief te blijven. Maar eerst even bijslapen.... Friend — You're among the very first to join Michelle and me in this next phase. So, thank you — it's been the honor of our lives to serve eight years in the White House, and we're both energized to join you as private citizens and work with you to help shape the future for generations to come. But first, we're going to take a short break. We'll take some time to be with family, maybe get some sleep — and really just be still for a little while. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you. Send us your ideas, your hopes, your dreams about what we can achieve. This Foundation will be a product of your ideas and ours together, and we're going to experiment. We'll try things and fail and succeed and learn along the way. But the constant will be the depth of our commitment to progress. And like the early days, we'll be based on the South Side of Chicago, but we'll have programs all across the city, the country, and the world. True democracy is a project that's much bigger than any one of us. It's bigger than any one person, any one president, and any one government. It's a job for all of us. And we've got to keep at it. We'd love to hear from you. Please share your ideas here: https://go.obama.org/add-your-voice Thank you, and we'll see you all again soon. Barack