
'Greatest show on Earth', media komen superlatieven te kort

door Monique Smitszaterdag, 28 juli 2012 om 10:09
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De internationale pers, maar vooral de Britse, komt superlatieven te kort om de openingsceremonie van de Olympische Spelen te verwoorden.
Daily Mail: 'Britain fires up the world: London gets the 2012 Games under way with the Greatest Show On Earth'
The Guardian: 'Licence to thrill: London 2012 opens with a dazzling pageant of all things British'
Daily Telegraph: 'London 2012: breathtaking, brash and bonkers...an utterly British Olympic opening ceremony'
The New York Times: 'A Five-Ring Opening Circus, Weirdly and Unabashedly British'
Financial Times: 'Olympics opener is like 100 musicals'
The New Yorker: 'Danny Boyle Wins the Gold'
Slate: 'Monty Python’s Flying Olympic Opening Ceremony'
Bild: ' In diesen Spielen ist Feuer!'
De Morgen: 'Het was groots en het was Brits'
Die Welt: 'Londons Olympia-Eröffnungsfeier, ein Meisterwerk'