
Buitenlandse media ook opgelucht: 'Right-wing Geert Wilders does worse than expected'

door Gerard Driehuiswoensdag, 15 maart 2017 om 21:17
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International Spectator: - PM Mark Rutte wins election - Will need to form coalition govt - Right-wing Geert Wilders does worse than expected Reuters: BREAKING: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte's VVD party wins most seats in parliamentary election, according to first exit poll
Le Dauphine Les bureaux de vote pour les élections législatives ont fermé à 20 heures aux Pays-Bas. Le parti du Premier ministre Mark Rutte arriverait en tête. Forte participation pour les élections législatives aux Pays-Bas. Des millions de Néerlandais ont ce voté mercredi en masse au scrutin où est en lice le député anti-système Geert Wilders, dont le score fera figure de baromètre de la montée du populisme en Europe. Selon les premiers sondages à la sortie des urnes, les libéraux du Premier ministre Mark Rutte arriveraient en tête, devançant trois partis ex-aequo dont le Parti pour la liberté du député (PVV) anti-islam Geert Wilders. Le sondage définitif à la sortie des urnes de 21 h 30 donne les mêmes résultats que le sondage de 21 h.
BBC: PM Mark Rutte's party wins Dutch election, first exit polls say, with Geert Wilders' anti-immigrant party trailing
Ap The Netherlands' main exit poll suggests that anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders had an unexpectedly poor showing during the Dutch elections, finishing far behind Prime Minister Mark Rutte. For Wilders, the poll was a test whether his fiery nationalist rhetoric caught the imagination of the population. Even if he increased his total in the 150-seat legislature from 15 to 19, it is was a disappointment since he was seeking to become the biggest party.
LaStampa Rutte, l’Harry Potter della politica olandese Mark Rutte, l’Harry Potter della politica olandese, ha fatto il miracolo, riuscendo a neutralizzare il leader islamofobo Geert Wilders, che fino a pochi giorni fa i sondaggi davano come probabile vincitore delle elezioni. Il “maghetto” (un soprannome dovuto ai suoi occhialetti tondi degli anni scorsi e alla pettinatura simile a quella del giovane David Racliffe) viene anche paragonato dai vignettisti olandese al piccolo Hans. È il giovane eroe di Haarlem, che tenne il ditino infilato tutta la notte in una diga dei polder, arginando un’inondazione catastrofica, che avrebbe messo in ginocchio i Paesi Bassi, parte dei quali si trovano sotto il livello del mare.