
In beeld: de warme vriendschap tussen Merkel en Obama

door Jeannette Kraswoensdag, 23 november 2016 om 10:43
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De band van de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel en de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama is misschien wel de meest hechte in de huidige wereldpolitiek. De twee grote leiders hebben samen heel wat problemen opgelost, maar hadden ook opmerkelijk veel lol. Helaas komt hun vriendschappelijke samenwerking ten einde. Afgelopen week kwam Obama nog één keer naar Berlijn om Merkel te bedanken. In een persconferentie noemde hij Merkel "een geweldige partner". Hij zei: "Als het gaat om haar kernwaarden, haar integriteit, haar waarachtigheid, haar kennis van zaken vind ik haar buitengewoon." Merkel reageerde een beetje bedroefd. "Afscheid nemen van mijn partner en vriend, ja, dat valt me zwaar. Als je zo goed hebt samengewerkt met iemand, is het heel moeilijk als daar een einde aan komt." Warme woorden, die door deze prachtige foto's worden bevestigd: REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch REUTERS/Michael Kappeler/Pool REUTERS/Christian Hartmann REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch REUTERS/Larry Downing REUTERS/Jim Young EUTERS/ Nicolas Asfonri REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque REUTERS/Larry Downing
barack obama and angela merkel met in an official capacity for one last time in germany last week after donald trump won the us election
the pair formed a close bond during obamas eight year presidency in this image the german chancellor clearly has a lot to say to her us counterpart during the g7 meeting overlooking the alps in june 2015
even when meetings may be overshadowed by serious topics merkel and obama have found time to have fun
world leaders love virtual reality just as much as the rest of us during a trade fair in hanover germany they got the opportunity to try out a vr headset to their obvious amusement
merkel is one of the few leaders left among the uss closest allies who was in office when obama became president in 2008
in a joint press conference last week he called chancellor merkel an outstanding partner
in terms of our core values in terms of her integrity her truthfulness her thoughtfulness her doing her homework knowing her facts i think shes been outstanding
in the same conference merkel expressed her sadness at obamas departure saying now taking leave from my partner and friend well yes it is hard if youve worked together with somebody very well leave taking is very difficult
we all know that democracy lives off change merkel told press so in the united states of america the constitution has very clear stipulations on this eight years and thats it
but while obama is preparing for his departure from the top office merkel recently announced that she will be running for office for a fourth consecutive term
merkel told reporters at last weeks press conference in germany that it is a very good thing if after eight years of cooperation the president of the united states says that this is a cooperation based on friendship
cheers to that
Bron(nen): Business Insider