

door Gerard Driehuiszaterdag, 04 december 2010 om 00:00
welingelichtekringen header 1
Wikileak dreigt uit de lucht te raken. Over een breed front proberen overheden te voorkomen dat al hun geheimen en geheimpjes de wereld rond gaan. Daarom heeft Wikileaks nieuwe servers nodig. We citeren: Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack. In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help.
if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!
Please follow the following instructions:
    Setup an account where we can upload files using RSYNC+SSH (preferred) or FTP
    Put our SSH key in this server or create an FTP account
    Create a virtual host in your web server, which, for example, can be wikileaks.yourdomain.com
    send the IP address of your server to us, and the path where we should upload the content. (just fill the form below)
We will take care of all the rest: Sending pages to your server, updating them each time data is released, maintaining a list of such mirrors. If your server is down or if the account don't work anymore, we will automatically remove your server from the list.
Our content is only html/css/javascript/png static files, so we don't require much resource to host it.
The complete website should not take more than a couple of GB at the moment (with base website and cablegate data)
To add your mirror to the list, please download the SSH key you will find below, then fill the following form to add your website to our mirror list :
Bron(nen): SOS Wikileak