
Nederigheid: deze 4 foto's tonen hoe onbetekenend klein de aarde is

door Gerard Driehuiszaterdag, 25 april 2015 om 7:37
welingelichtekringen header 1
De aarde en wij mensen, ten opzichte van het geheel van het heelal - de schepping, zo je wilt - is het niets. 4 relativerende foto's
this humbling photo taken by nasas cassini spacecraft in 2013 shows what earth indicated by the tiny white arrow looks like from 898 million miles away 584x328
the sun contains 9986 of the mass in our solar system and is large enough to fit 13 million earths inside of it pretty big right 584x475
not as big as our home galaxy the milky way look just south of the center of our galaxy and youll see a small spot labeled sun thats where our tiny solar system lives amidst the other 100 billion stars in our galaxy 584x584
that red dot is where our galaxy lives within a supercluster of galaxies called laniakea meaning immeasurable heaven well leave you with these eloquent words from sagan we are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever 584x387